I have never been one to wear makeup for several reasons. The most important of them all is that I have accepted my flaws and I am working to improve them. There is such a freedom that comes with accepting your flaws because you have nothing to hide. I love the fact the Alicia Keys is participating in this no makeup movement because it shows that more and more people are starting to realize that it is our imperfections that make us who we are.

I always thought I was insecure until I really started thinking about the fact that I don’t wear makeup. When I go out to events I am surrounded by people who are are all about the “beat face” and it can be intimidating at times. People walking around pretending that they are perfect and have everything together while inside dying for the attention of others to keep them together because they are falling apart.

I am accepting more now than ever that I am not perfect and no amount of makeup can cover up who I am because we eventually have to take it off. I need to make sure that I am beautiful on the inside more than the outside because that is what is going to determine how my life goes. Now I am not saying I will fall off and look sloppy because I still have standards for myself. However I realize we have all made mistakes and have imperfections but we shouldn’t be ashamed of them. I am so grateful to have people in my life that have accepted me without makeup (physically and emotionally).

I just want to encourage you all male and female to join the no more makeup movement in life. Don’t cover up who you are to make others think you have it all together because no one does. Also you never know what a blessing your flaws can be to someone else (side note: use discretion with who you share your business with). I am committed to living my life with no makeup because I want to help others to live their best life as well as showing them that there is nothing wrong with having flaws as long as you are working on them instead of just hiding them.

Have a great day Ladies & Gents!
